Camera Mods

Eyes are the windows to the soul.

1.) Gun Mods– Not actually a camera mod for guns, just the username on MTS 😉 Really neat Camera Mods to take better pictures!

2.) Widescreen CAS Camera Fix– Makes it easier when your in CAS to see your Sim without being blocked by the creating screen.

3.) Fourth-Wall Options– Sometimes you don’t want your Sims to break the 4th wall to look at you and sometimes you do. Two sets of mods

4.) Freezer Clock– This object will allow you to stop the time in the sim world and/or freeze a sim individually in a middle of an animation sequence at the point of particular interest.

5.) Sim Locomotor– Essentially a walk style changer with a (not so) fancy name. Comes in the form of a little sculpture, this thing can change your sim’s walk style.

6.) Zoomable mirror– This mirror allows you to zoom in on and centre on any sim on the lot. Useful for when you don’t know where a sim went in your huge maze like mansion.

7.) Enhanced Gameplay Cameras– Similar to Guns mod.

8.) No Gridlines EVAR!– Great for taking screen shots.


More mods always coming~!!! Suggest some in the comments or leave your experience with these mods and/if you found any conflicts with other mods.

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